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Qifu Technology (QFIN) Dividend Yield, Date & History

-0.10 (-0.40%)
(As of 08/21/2024 ET)

Dividend Summary

Dividend Yield
Annual Dividend
Dividend Payout Ratio
Dividend Payment
Nov. 1
Skip Charts & View Dividend History

Qifu Technology vs. The Competition

TypeQifu TechnologyBusiness CompaniesNASDAQ Companies
Annual Dividend$1.18$1.47$1.22
Dividend Yield4.75%315.24%403.22%
Annualized 3-Year Dividend Growth0.00%12.07%14.25%

Qifu Technology Dividend Payout Ratio

TypePayout Ratio
Based on Trailing 12 Months of Earnings30.57%
Based on This Year's Estimates28.78%
Based on Next Year's Estimates25.76%
Based on Cashflow29.60%

Qifu Technology Dividend History by Quarter

AnnouncedPeriodAmountYieldEx-Dividend DateRecord DatePayable Date
(Data available from 1/1/2013 forward)

Qifu Technology Dividend - Frequently Asked Questions

What is Qifu Technology's dividend yield?

The current dividend yield for Qifu Technology is 4.59%. Learn more on QFIN's dividend yield history.

How much is Qifu Technology's annual dividend?

The annual dividend for QFIN shares is $1.14. Learn more on QFIN's annual dividend history.

How often does Qifu Technology pay dividends?

Qifu Technology pays annually dividends to shareholders.

When is Qifu Technology's next dividend payment?

Qifu Technology's next annually dividend payment of $0.60 per share will be made to shareholders on Friday, November 1, 2024.

When was Qifu Technology's most recent dividend payment?

Qifu Technology's most recent annually dividend payment of $0.57 per share was made to shareholders on Friday, May 24, 2024.

When is Qifu Technology's ex-dividend date?

Qifu Technology's next ex-dividend date is Friday, September 27, 2024.

When was Qifu Technology's most recent ex-dividend date?

Qifu Technology's most recent ex-dividend date was Friday, April 12, 2024.

When did Qifu Technology last increase or decrease its dividend?

The most recent change in the company's dividend was an increase of $0.03 on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

What is Qifu Technology's dividend payout ratio?
The dividend payout ratio for QFIN is:
  • 29.53% based on the trailing year of earnings
  • 24.62% based on this year's estimates
  • 23.12% based on next year's estimates
  • 29.56% based on cash flow
Is Qifu Technology a good dividend stock?

Qifu Technology's dividend yield of 4.65% is higher than the average Business Services company that issues a dividend. Qifu Technology's dividend payout ratio of 29.53% is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75% of its earnings.

This page (NASDAQ:QFIN) was last updated on 8/22/2024 by Staff

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