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Community Trust Bancorp (CTBI) News Today

+0.43 (+0.91%)
(As of 08/21/2024 ET)
Community Trust Bancorp: Not Ready To Pull The Trigger
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Vanguard Group Inc. Has $38.15 Million Stake in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Vanguard Group Inc. increased its stake in shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 1.2% in the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the SEC. The firm owned 894,527 shares of the financial services provider's stock after purchas
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Short Interest in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Rises By 23.3%
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) was the target of a large growth in short interest in the month of July. As of July 15th, there was short interest totalling 156,100 shares, a growth of 23.3% from the June 30th total of 126,600 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 53,200 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 2.9 days. Approximately 0.9% of the company's stock are sold short.
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Plans Dividend Increase - $0.47 Per Share
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) announced a quarterly dividend on Tuesday, July 23rd. Investors of record on Sunday, September 15th will be given a dividend of 0.47 per share by the financial services provider on Tuesday, October 1st. This represents a $1.88 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 3.73%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, September 13th. This is a positive change from Community Trust Bancorp's previous quarterly dividend of $0.46.
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) EVP David Andrew Jones Purchases 10,000 Shares
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) EVP David Andrew Jones purchased 10,000 shares of the stock in a transaction on Monday, July 22nd. The stock was acquired at an average cost of $32.27 per share, for a total transaction of $322,700.00. Following the acquisition, the executive vice president now directly owns 10,000 shares in the company, valued at $322,700. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link.
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Sets New 12-Month High After Insider Buying Activity
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Reaches New 1-Year High on Insider Buying Activity
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Andy D. Waters Acquires 10,000 Shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Stock
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) EVP Andy D. Waters acquired 10,000 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, July 19th. The shares were bought at an average price of $32.27 per share, with a total value of $322,700.00. Following the completion of the purchase, the executive vice president now directly owns 11,401 shares in the company, valued at $367,910.27. The acquisition was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available through this link.
Community Trust Bancorp Q2 Profit Edges Down
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Shares Gap Up After Earnings Beat
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Shares Gap Up Following Strong Earnings
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Issues Quarterly Earnings Results, Beats Expectations By $0.06 EPS
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday. The financial services provider reported $1.09 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $1.03 by $0.06. The firm had revenue of $92.36 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $58.65 million. Community Trust Bancorp had a net margin of 22.64% and a return on equity of 11.36%.
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Short Interest in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Rises By 5.2%
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) was the recipient of a significant increase in short interest during the month of June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 126,600 shares, an increase of 5.2% from the June 15th total of 120,300 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 45,300 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 2.8 days. Currently, 0.7% of the shares of the stock are short sold.
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Hits New 12-Month High at $46.16
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Reaches New 52-Week High at $46.16
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Clifford Capital Partners LLC Has $12.84 Million Stock Holdings in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Clifford Capital Partners LLC decreased its stake in shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 7.5% during the 1st quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 300,951 shares of the financial services pro
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Shares Purchased by LSV Asset Management
LSV Asset Management boosted its position in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 9.0% in the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The fund owned 290,157 shares of the financial services provider's stock after purchasing an additi
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Share Price Crosses Above 200 Day Moving Average of $41.60
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Share Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average of $41.60
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Short Interest Update
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest in the month of June. As of June 15th, there was short interest totalling 120,300 shares, an increase of 13.3% from the May 31st total of 106,200 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 42,200 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is currently 2.9 days. Approximately 0.7% of the company's shares are sold short.
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Stock Crosses Above 200-Day Moving Average of $41.68
Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Share Price Passes Above 200 Day Moving Average of $41.68
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Shares Sold by Assenagon Asset Management S.A.
Assenagon Asset Management S.A. lowered its position in shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 37.1% in the first quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The fund owned 41,405 shares of the financial se
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Heartland Advisors Inc. Makes New Investment in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Heartland Advisors Inc. purchased a new position in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) in the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm purchased 51,019 shares of the financial services p
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Short Interest Up 7.7% in April
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest in the month of April. As of April 15th, there was short interest totalling 123,900 shares, an increase of 7.7% from the March 31st total of 115,000 shares. Currently, 0.7% of the company's shares are short sold. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 50,100 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 2.5 days.
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.46
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) declared a quarterly dividend on Tuesday, April 23rd. Shareholders of record on Saturday, June 15th will be paid a dividend of 0.46 per share by the financial services provider on Monday, July 1st. This represents a $1.84 annualized dividend and a yield of 4.25%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, June 14th.
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Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI) Sees Large Decline in Short Interest
Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Get Free Report) was the target of a large drop in short interest in the month of March. As of March 31st, there was short interest totalling 115,000 shares, a drop of 13.6% from the March 15th total of 133,100 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 48,400 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 2.4 days. Currently, 0.7% of the company's shares are sold short.
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Vanguard Group Inc. Sells 77,155 Shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Vanguard Group Inc. decreased its holdings in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 8.2% during the 3rd quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 869,389 shares of the financial services provi
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Assenagon Asset Management S.A. Acquires 35,765 Shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Assenagon Asset Management S.A. boosted its holdings in shares of Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 118.9% during the 4th quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm owned 65,844 shares of the financial services provi
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Community Trust Bancorp (NASDAQ:CTBI) Coverage Initiated at Janney Montgomery Scott
Janney Montgomery Scott started coverage on shares of Community Trust Bancorp in a report on Wednesday. They issued a "buy" rating and a $49.00 price target on the stock.
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Community Trust & Investment Co. Decreases Stock Holdings in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI)
Community Trust & Investment Co. lessened its position in Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTBI - Free Report) by 1.8% during the fourth quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The fund owned 2,013,576 shares of the fi
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This page (NASDAQ:CTBI) was last updated on 8/22/2024 by Staff

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